COOL GANG (13 – 17 YEARS) MARCH 2024

Date Activity Time
Saturday 2nd March F.A.I. session 2 – 4pm
Monday 4th March Den time 4-6pm
Tuesday 5th March Teens on the go 7-9pm
Saturday 9th March Traditonal Irish Music Session in The Lark 2-4pm
Monday 11th March Den time 4 to 6pm
Tuesday 12th March Yoga 7-9pm
Saturday 16th March Ceili Dancing to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day 2-4pm
Monday 18th March NO CLUB BANK HOLIDAY
Tuesday 19th March Music Generation 7-9pm
Saturday 23rd Multi Sports 2-4pm
Monday 25th March – EASTER CAMP BEGINS!see seperate sheet

Remember us would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following people and organisations who have become Patrons of Remember Us.