Monday Club
Monday 9th January: NO CLUB
Monday 16th January: Den time and Games
Monday 23rd January: Den time and Games
Monday 30th January : Den time and Games
Monday 13th February: NO CLUB – FAMILY RESPITE BREAK
Monday 20th February: Den time and Games
Monday 27th February: Den time and Games
Tuesday Club
Tuesday 10th January : NO CLUB
Tuesday 17th January : Generation Music Session
Tuesday 24th January: Teens on the Go Session
Tuesday 31st January: Yoga Session
Tuesday 7th February: Arts and Crafts
Tuesday 14th February: NO CLUB – FAMILY RESPITE BREAK
Tuesday 21st February: Multi Sports Session
Tuesday 28th February: Generation Music Session
Saturday Club
Saturday 7th January : Panto – Jack and the Beanstalk
Saturday 14th January: Magic Show with Denis
Saturday 21st January: Panto – Sleeping Beauty
Saturday 28th January : Panto – Mother Goose
Saturday 4th February: NO CLUB – BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND
Saturday 11th February: Cinema – Film to be confirmed
Saturday 18th February: NO CLUB – BANK HOLIDAY WEEKEND
Saturday 25th February: F.A.I. Session