Monday 1st November: Den time
Tuesday 2nd November: Cup Cake Decorating
Saturday 6th November: Various sports activities
Monday 8th November: Den time
Tuesday 9th November: Teens on the Go
Saturday 13th November: F.A.I. Session
Monday 15th November: Den time
Tuesday 16th November: Karate
Saturday 20th November: Causeys Christmas experience
Monday 22nd November: Den time
Tuesday 23rd November: Yoga with Ash
Saturday 27th November: Trip to Cinema
Monday 29th November: Den time
Tuesday 30th November: Christmas Baking (decorate a gingerbread house)
Thursday 2nd December: Wonderlights in Malahide Castle (BOOKED OUT)
Saturday 4th December: Zumba Dance
Monday 6th December: Den time
Tuesday 7th December: Christmas Bingo
Saturday 11th December: Christmas Movie (please bring popcorn, snack and drink)
Monday 13th December: Christmas Wonderland in The TLT Drogheda (BOOKED OUT)
Tuesday 14th December: Christmas Arts and Crafts
Saturday 18th December: Closing Christmas Party