January/February – Cool Kids (4-8years) and Cool Dudes (9-12years)

Wednesday Club

Wednesday 17th January – Gymboree Session

Wednesday 24th January – Magic of Music Session

Wednesday 31st January – Kids on the Go Session

Wednesday 7th February – Cookery Session

Wednesday 14th February – NO CLUB – FAMILY RESPITE BREAK

Wednesday 21st February – Karate Session


Saturday/Sunday Club

Sunday 14th January – Panto – Alice in Wonderland – BOOKED OUT

Saturday 20th January – Zumba Fitness Dance Session

Saturday 27th January – F.A.I. Football Session

Saturday 3rd February – Trip to Cinema – details to follow

Saturday 10th February – NO CLUB – FAMILY RESPITE BREAK

Saturday 17h February – NO CLUB – FAMILY RESPITE BREAK

Remember us would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following people and organisations who have become Patrons of Remember Us.