Beauty and the Beast

160 of our members and their families enjoyed the Panto Beauty and the Beast in the TLT this afternoon. “Oh yes we did” Fantastic performance. Well done all. A massive thanks to our CE/TUS placements and volunteers for supporting our members today. Continue Reading

Thank You Structure Tone

Remember Us members and their families would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Staff of Structure Tone for raising €1,400 in their Christmas jumper fundraiser and to Structure Tone for matching the fund and bringing it up to €2,500. Also A big thanks to the MCarthy family who raised €553 at our closing… Continue Reading

Thank You

Remember Us members and their families would like to thank most sincerely the following for their very generous donation to our Charity MEDISAN BENEFIT FUND for €2,000 ACE EXPRESS FREIGHT for €2,500. All monies going towards family respite breakaways, outings. Shows for our members and their families. Words cannot express how grateful we all are.… Continue Reading

Santa Visit

Good evening, Our members really enjoyed their evening with Santa , Mrs Clause and their helpers . A massive thanks to Santa, Mrs Clause, our CE/TUS placements and our volunteers Continue Reading

Christmas Party

Today our members had a ball at their Christmas party They enjoyed an amazing magic show And a cool disco!! What a lovely way to finish off club activities before Christmas! Now members have the Christmas Panto to look forward to next Wednesday! A huge thanks to Dennis for facilitating the magic show and Paul… Continue Reading

Petition to Fingal County council re entrance and exit to our base

Hi all. I would be really grateful if you could sign the attached petition please. Getting into and out of Balbriggan Retail park to attend Remember us special needs group is a nightmare, a death trap and something needs to be done. Cars/lorries etc are flying into and out of Balbriggan. It is becoming… Continue Reading

The 5th Of September is International Charity Day!

The Balrothery Inn presented us with a donation of €3,114 from the Charity Desert campaign they ran in the Inn. We are extremely grateful and thankful for the donation.   We would also like to thank most sincerely everyone who donates to Remember Us. 🙏🙏🙏Your money goes a long way in supporting our members. From… Continue Reading

Thank you to Scoil Chaitriona’s

On behalf of everyone here in Remember Us, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Scoil Chaitriona’s fantastic pupils and staff who donated €314.00! We are truly thankful for your thoughtfulness. Continue Reading

Remember us would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following people and organisations who have become Patrons of Remember Us.