On behalf of Remember us special needs Charity I would like to express our sincere thanks to all who supported our recent Fundraising Golf Classic DUE TO YOUR GENEROSITY, WE RAISED €16,198 PROFIT Words cannot express how grateful we are for all your support All money raised is going towards family respite trips away, outings… Continue Reading
Hi all. I would be really grateful if you could sign the attached petition please. https://chng.it/6CNypLLxCn Getting into and out of Balbriggan Retail park to attend Remember us special needs group is a nightmare, a death trap and something needs to be done. Cars/lorries etc are flying into and out of Balbriggan. It is becoming… Continue Reading
NEW PROJECT – Beautiful Sensory Garden with a vegetable patch and lots more! EXCITING NEWS!!! So excited 😁😁😁 We are delighted to announce we have hired Ronnie our Landscaper from Serenity Landscaping for our new Sensory Garden etc. Not only will there be a sensory garden in it but also an area… Continue Reading
The Balrothery Inn presented us with a donation of €3,114 from the Charity Desert campaign they ran in the Inn. We are extremely grateful and thankful for the donation. We would also like to thank most sincerely everyone who donates to Remember Us. 🙏🙏🙏Your money goes a long way in supporting our members. From… Continue Reading
On behalf of everyone here in Remember Us, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Balbriggan Bridge Club who donated €2,000! What an unbelievable figure. Thank you for your amazing generosity. Continue Reading
A huge thank you to Scoile Chormaic for their wonderful donation of €369.30 to Remember Us! Pupils also made beautiful cards for our members to enjoy! Continue Reading
On behalf of everyone here in Remember Us, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Scoil Chaitriona’s fantastic pupils and staff who donated €314.00! We are truly thankful for your thoughtfulness. Continue Reading
On behalf of everyone here in Remember Us I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Joseph Dowling and all in BDP International Logistics Limited for their very generous donation of €500 to Remember Us in lieu of Christmas Cards to their staff and customers. Presenting the cheque was Joseph Dowling’s son Eoin. Thanks… Continue Reading
Charityoke will be performing their amazing show in the Orchard pub, Swords on Friday 18th February from 9pm in aid of Remember Us and Pieta House. If you are free and looking for a great night out, please come along. Your support would be appreciated. Continue Reading
Delighted to be able to advise that all clubs will resume on Monday 31st January. Looking forward to seeing you all. Continue Reading
Happy New year to all. I can see January a bit if a washout but things will be better after. Lots of good times ahead. Keep positive and keep the head up everyone Continue Reading
Remember us would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following people and organisations who have become Patrons of Remember Us.