Official opening of New Remember Us Clubhouse

What a very special day we had at the official opening of our new base on Friday 22nd March. Over 300 people attended the event and the atmosphere was electric. There were tears of joy around the room. A massive thanks to Rebecca Grimes actress from Fair City for coming along to help our members cut the ribbon and cake. The audience heard first hand what the club means to our members and their families as the many speakers told their story. Volunteers also spoke why they volunteer with us. Gráinne Maguire Deputy Mayor of Fingal also spoke along with Brian Howard from Progressive Credit Union who are our premium patrons and Nellie Hovarth from Dublin Rural Leader who provided a grant towards the fit out of our new clubhouse . Cll.Tony Murphy also spoke on the day. A massive thanks to Anne, all all our TUS/CE placements and our amazing volunteers for all their help on the day and the lead up to the event. Families and invited guests were blown away with the size and what facilities we have. This week coming our members will experience first hand what it is going to be like in their new clubhouse as all our club nights are starting from Monday 25th March. 

Remember us would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following people and organisations who have become Patrons of Remember Us.