There was great excitement here at Remember Us on Friday 29th July when Nationwide came to film the group for the day for part of one of their upcoming programmes. (Watch his space for details when it will be aired). Members became film stars for the day, Nora and family were interviewed along with Jean and family. we also launched a Fundraising campaign to get our new space fitted out. Our members’ slogan is “PLEASE HELP US TO MAKE THIS SPACE OUR HOME. WE NEED YOUR CASH TO MAKE THIS DREAM REAL” 😃😃.  As the building is shell n core we have to start from scratch, plumbing, heating, extend the mezzanine etc etc. we have a mammoth task ahead but with the shear passion, determination and drive of the group and the support of everyone in the community this dream will happen!!!

Please have a look through our website www.rememberus.ie to see the amazing amount of service we provide to the 250 families registered to date and ways U can support. If anyone would like to support the group no matter how big or small, please ring Nora on 0860457003 or e mail us at hello@rememberus.ie. As Nora says “Truly magical things can happen when everyone chips in” and the proof is in the pudding when you see how we fundraised and bought the building. Remember Us would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all who have supported us to date especially our Patrons Progressive Credit Union, Andrews Spar, Millfield Shopping, Tony Murphy, Lec n Co Colin Hughes, Country Crest, all their fundraising partners and everyone else who has supported them. A special thanks to Sean Corrigan and Friends for organising the banner to be printed and up on time for the recording and his continued support to Remember Us. Thanks also to Dorothy Bentley Fletcher for getting the graphics prepared at short notice.it is appreciated by all involved

Check out their website for full list of supporters.



Remember us would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following people and organisations who have become Patrons of Remember Us.